Watch Old Classic TV Episodes
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Ozzie decides to join the volunteer firemen, but the training wears him out and he sleeps through the first fire.
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A long night begins when Ozzie becomes involved with a movie in which David was watching on TV.
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David must find a date for his galpal's visiting cousin. He ends up getting little brother Ricky.
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Ricky and David each want different decor for their respective bedrooms.
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Ozzie and Thorny are entrusted to bring sandwiches and potato salad to a picnic. Big mistake.
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The Nelson's discuss the importance of sending out "thank you" notes for the gifts they received. But Ozzie has trouble putting into words how much he appreciated the fruitcake he received from Mr. Thornberry.
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Ozzie finds an odd shaped bolt inside a box of junk he keeps in a drawer. When Ricky questions what the bolt belongs to, Ozzie begins a series of fix-it projects in which he believes the bolt had fallen off of. Soon Ozzie becomes obsessed with the bolt.
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Thorny orders a load of gravel but it gets dumped by mistake into the Nelsons' driveway.
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Harriet writes to 'Aunt Martha', who gives advice through her 'A Friend of the Family' column in the local newspaper.
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A leaky drain pipe leads to water damage in the boys room. When Ozzie has a repairman check out the pipe, he discovers a nest of eggs belonging to a robin. Although he'd like the pipe fixed, Ozzie is unwilling to move the nest for at least a week so the eggs can hatch.
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Ozzie recalls the time when Doc Williams moved into the neighborhood and how the two men didn't exactly get off to a flying start in their relationship.
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Ozzie tells the boys the importance of time after Ricky wakes up late for David's baseball game once again.
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Ozzie and Harriet anguish over whether or not to allow 13-year-old Ricky to take a 150-mile train trip on his own.
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David and Ricky both want to enter a Father and Son Ping Pong tournament with Ozzie. In order to make it fair, the boys flip a coin to see who will play.
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David brings home a pledge for his club, and Ozzie and Harriet both become worried when they find cans of paint and a ladder in the yard, believing that these are to be used in the club initiation.
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When Harriet loses a sentimental pin, the whole family helps her look for it.
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Ozzie and Thorny find themselves stuck on a rooftop without a ladder on which to climb down.
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The Nelsons decide it would be a great idea to make a suggestion box as a way to get the family's true feelings across.
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It's David's 17th birthday and he makes plans for a date with a girl from Chicago who has dated college guys.
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A window pane in the Nelson house is broken and Harriet finds herself having to cajole Ozzie into fixing it.
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A pair of chairs arrive at the Nelson's home as a mistake. When Ozzie tries the fix the mix up, it creates further confusion when two more chairs are sent.
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Ozzie feels that by becoming unpredictable he will make himself more attractive to the opposite sex.
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While eating breakfast, Ricky notices the box of pancake mix has a slogan which guarantees "double your money back if you're not totally satisfied with this product", an idea which Ozzie believes someone should challenge.
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Ozzie heads down to the florist in dirty clothes after having played baseball with the boys.
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Ozzie feigns an illness just to get out of bringing Harriet to the emporium. But Thorny convinces him that they should go bowling.
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Each of the Nelsons believe they are responsible for the addition of a traffic light at a dangerous intersection in the town.
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After years of bunking together, David and Ricky finally get their own separate rooms in the Nelson household.
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While discussing The Rover Boys' books with Thorny, Ozzie takes off to check out a book at the library, hoping to prove Thorny wrong. But when he's caught with a big book, one of his boys' teachers is convinced he knows a lot about the Peloponnesian War and asks him to lead a book discussion. Thorny is just to proud to admit the truth and decides to learn everything he can before the PTA meeting.
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Ozzie and Harriet differ over an incident in the newspaper concerning a husband and wife who are divorcing over his enjoyment of playing the tuba.
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The boys would like to get a job to earn money for Christmas presents. After a day of failure, Ozzie makes a deal with the local grocer to give them a job as box boys. But when a bad storm brews up, Ozzie gets worried about the boys.
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Ozzie feels slighted when Thorny forgets to thank him for a gift he had given him.
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Ozzie buys a pair of tickets to the ballet for the policemen's charity drive as a surprise for Harriet. But when she seems unenthusiastic about the show, Ozzie gives the tickets to Thorny.
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Ozzie and Harriet agree that this year they will not have a Halloween party since the last few have become so routine. But after talking with Thorny, Ozzie decides that if they made all the plans then this year's party will be a success.
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Ozzie goes on a diet. Will pills help Ozzie to beat Thorny in a weight loss contest?
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David has a rival, and his name is Will Thornberry - his next door neighbor.
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